Finally An Easy Way To Convert  PLR
Into A Unique One Of A Kind Product

Without Spending A Ton Of Time And Money

No Matter What Level You Are At Now This Step By Step Blueprint
Will Have You Flipping Private Label Products  In A Short Amount Of Time.

Make A Shocking Bold Claim That Goes Here

Back Up That Claim With A Proof Image Below - This Can Be Your Results Or ANY Verifiable Proof That Support Your Claim. This Subheadline Can Preface/Attribute The Proof.

Lobortis vel taciti enim habitasse, dictum curabitur aliquam non nec inceptos nisi. Proin scelerisque nam volutpat, mi cubilia! Orci nisi ornare lectus?

Module 1 - The essentuals

This can just be an optional  colorful bullet point that explains the BENEFIT demonstrated in the proof image above.

Module 2 - Getting ahead

This can just be an optional  colorful bullet point that explains the BENEFIT demonstrated in the proof image above.

Module 3 - Convert everything

Vertis laoret venena lacusa ipsume intege minim sagitt evenie dolors tempor semper platea vulput proina lectus portti.

Module 4 - Measure & repeat

Ipsume minim lectus intege portti proina platea lacusa vertis semper venena laoret tempor vulput sagitt evenie dolors.

Module 5 - Time to optimize

Intege venena lectus vertis dolors tempor portti sagitt platea minim semper lacusa evenie vulput ipsume laoret proina.

Module 6 - Autopilot

Venena vulput platea intege minim vertis proina lacusa evenie sagitt laoret portti tempor dolors semper lectus ipsume.

Everything I teach can run on autopilot - minimum effort needed
The return on investment is huge - get started with for a very low cost
No need for previous experience - this is very easy to implement

This Headline Presents The Biggest  Problem Preventing THEM From Achieving The Results Above

This subtitle harps on the pain point from the problem they're facing.

Hi, my name is John Doe and I know exactly what you're going through right now.

This section is the "open": Talk about problems the reader may be facing and start relating yourself to them. Really reinforce the “pain” they feel from this problem.

Use a friendly hi res picture of yourself in this section. The picture has to fit properly in this space and it has to look good. This is the first impression you're making on your customer and it is an important part of the sales process. 

If you need morw space for text then go full width below as to wrap around the image but stay in the darkened section.

Insert A Subheadline Here That Transitions

The "imagines" are when you take your reader to a place they dream to be without the current pain they are experiencing...

So, for example, if this is a money making product, the "imagines" might read...

Allow yourself to imagine waking up tomorrow, not to the sound of that damned annoying alarm clock, but when you are rested and ready to take on the day.

Now imagine, strolling 30 feet to your home office, firing up your computer and opening your emails to discover you've made $XXXX automatically ­­ and all while you were asleep!  Etc., etc., etc.

Imagery is very important here in the "imagines" and we strongly suggest that you insert pictures that will help the reader "visualize" your story. 

The mind thinks in pictures not words and if you truly want them to imagine themselves in a care free enviornment as a result of your product then you have to pain that picture through images.

It is important that the images you uses look good and blend well with the page. Picture quality, sizing and alignment ALL matter. Sometimes you can make it work by adding/removing text. 

You should have at least three images in this section with text alongside the way you are reading it now.

The text tells a cohesive story and the images support or visualize the story. The text is  not meant to be a caption or image description.

Many marketers tend to use lifestyle pictures here to demonstrate to the reader what is possible once they achieve the results your tool can bring them.

Always make sure that you have permission to use the images you insert here and don't ever "fake it to make it". Be honest, be yourself.

Subheadline Here That Transitions Into Why
You're THE Go-To Person

Back it up here: Describe why the reader should buy from you, who are you, you can also use testimonials here. This shouldn't be your life's story, there's no need to be dramatic. The important thing to establish here is an expert status. The reader needs to understand why you are worthy of their time, trust and money.

Establish yourself as an authority figure by pointing out the path that lead you to the creation of this website. What are your accolades? What gives you the right to produce such a product? Thats what they are wondering.

Be humble but establish a sense of business posture. It is always better to appear indifferent then needy when it comes to closing the sale.

This is a great spot to drop in some character endorsement videos. Even though you can also use this section to drop in some product testimonials know that there is a BIG difference between a character endorsement and a product testinmonial. 


Tempor dolors portti vulput intege minim platea lectus sagitt proina vertis ipsume lacusa laoret semper evenie venena.

choose your image

Ruth Brown



Lacusa evenie platea laoret portti intege proina minim lectus vertis sagitt tempor dolors semper venena ipsume vulput.

choose your image

George Carter



Ipsume sagitt portti intege proina vulput venena evenie tempor vertis platea minim laoret dolors lectus lacusa semper.

choose your image

Deborah Brown


This subtitle harps on the pain point from the problem they're facing.


Maybe this can be the amount of
subscribers you have gotten.


Maybe this can be the amount of 
sales you've made already.


Maybe this can be the amount of 
sales you've made already.

Insert A Subheadline Here That Transitions
Into The Product Introduction...

This is the "prersentation" portion of your sales letter where you will finally reveal the product to the viewer. There MUST be a visual depiction of your digital product.

This is where you introduce the solution to their problem, the answer they've been searching for. This is the most powerful image on your sales page. It must look good command their attention.  We recommend a beatiful large product multi-image here. Don't give off a weak vibe. Make it count, and put a purchase link right beneath it. Order this from Stevie at GFX-1.

Lets Break Down The Features And Benefits...

Every single feature MUST be accompanied by a benefit on each bullet.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

You've Already Told Them Now It's Time To Show Them...

Every single feature MUST be accompanied by a benefit on each bullet.

Subheadline Goes Here That Transitions
Into The Bonus Offers

Bonus products should always compliment the main offer. Don't just put a bonus in here
for the sake of having one.  Thrown in a few extra lessons, videos, audios etc.

Bonus #1 Name Of Bonus Product Here

$97 Value

So, for example, if this is a money making product, the "imagines" might read...

Allow yourself to imagine waking up tomorrow, not to the sound of that damned annoying alarm clock, but when you are rested and ready to take on the day.

Now imagine, strolling 30 feet to your home office, firing up your computer and opening your emails to discover you've made $XXXX automatically ­­ and all while you were asleep!  Etc., etc., etc.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

Bonus #1 Name Of Bonus Product Here

$97 Value

So, for example, if this is a money making product, the "imagines" might read...

Allow yourself to imagine waking up tomorrow, not to the sound of that damned annoying alarm clock, but when you are rested and ready to take on the day.

Now imagine, strolling 30 feet to your home office, firing up your computer and opening your emails to discover you've made $XXXX automatically ­­ and all while you were asleep!  Etc., etc., etc.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

Bonus #2 Name Of Bonus Product Here

$97 Value

The mind thinks in pictures not words and if you truly want them to imagine themselves in a care free enviornment as a result of your product then you have to pain that picture through images.

It is important that the images you uses look good and blend well with the page. Picture quality, sizing and alignment ALL matter. Sometimes you can make it work by adding/removing text. 

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

Bonus #3 Name Of Bonus Product Here

$97 Value

So, for example, if this is a money making product, the "imagines" might read...

Allow yourself to imagine waking up tomorrow, not to the sound of that damned annoying alarm clock, but when you are rested and ready to take on the day.

Now imagine, strolling 30 feet to your home office, firing up your computer and opening your emails to discover you've made $XXXX automatically ­­ and all while you were asleep!  Etc., etc., etc.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

This is a bullet to explain one of the features you want
to point out. 
This is the benefit in bold that this
particular feature provides.

Subheadline Goes Here That Transitions Into
Product Offer Recap & Price Justification

Here you'll reiterate the benefits of what they're getting and do price justification.

Price justification is NOT, "Less than the cost of a pizza for 2!" Price justification is more akin to adding up the value of all the individual components in your offer and explaining if they were sold separately they would cost you a real world $497!

Then of course when the reader sees your price of just $47 they will be pleased and more open to the purchase.

Module 1

This could be just one of the many powerful features of your product that you can put a specific value on.

$97 Value

Module 2

This could be just one of the many powerful features of your product that you can put a specific value on.

$97 Value

Module 3

This could be just one of the many powerful features of your product that you can put a specific value on.

$97 Value

Module 4

This could be just one of the many powerful features of your product that you can put a specific value on.

$97 Value

Module 5

This could be just one of the many powerful features of your product that you can put a specific value on.

$97 Value

Module 6

This could be just one of the many powerful features of your product that you can put a specific value on.

$97 Value

Module 7

This could be just one of the many powerful features of your product that you can put a specific value on.

$97 Value

Module 8

This could be just one of the many powerful features of your product that you can put a specific value on.

$97 Value

Subheadline Goes Here That Transitions Into Guarantee

Price justification is NOT, "Less than the cost of a pizza for 2!" Price justification is more akin to adding up the value of all the individual components in your offer and explaining if they were sold separately they would cost you a real world $497!

Then of course when the reader sees your price of just $47 they will be pleased and more open to the purchase.

Rock Solid 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

This is your promise to make sure the customer is happy. Remove all risk from the custometr with the text you place here. Make the customer feel like there is no way they will ever lose their investment.

The Call To Action Goes Here

Make sure you close strong and ask for the sale!!! Don't beat around the bush about it. Tell them that now is the time to buy and explain exactly why. Don't become a bull shitter here because they will see right through you. Just be sincere and use a natural sense of urgency.




I Want Instant Access Now!

I Understand That I Will Receive Instant Access To Flipping PLR


Est. Value

choose your image

Description  Put some text here talking about what the product is


choose your image

Description  Put some text here talking about what the product is


choose your image

Description  Put some text here talking about what the product is


choose your image

Total Estimated Value: $2,500.00

Special Limited Time Pricing Below

Price Will Go Up Soon

Rock Solid 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

This is your promise to make sure the customer is happy. Remove all risk from the custometr with the text you place here. Make the customer feel like there is no way they will ever lose their investment.

Here's What Some Of Our Members Are Saying


Lectus lacusa sagitt venena dolors intege minim proina vertis platea portti vulput laoret evenie ipsume tempor semper.

choose your image

Donna Walker


Sagitt evenie minim platea semper dolors vertis lectus proina vulput venena portti lacusa ipsume tempor laoret intege.

choose your image

Edward Gonzalez

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION 1 Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.
QUESTION 2 - Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec sed odio dui.

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.
QUESTION 3 - Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.

Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.
QUESTION 5 - Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.
QUESTION 6 - Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.

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